职称 教授
学位 博士
政治面貌 中共党员
邮箱 xufengbai@mail.hzau.edu.cn
研究方向 克氏原螯虾遗传育种
2017年成功克隆了水稻产量基因FZP,并发现它能使水稻单产增加15%以上,其自然变异(CNV-18)来源于Aus亚种,以前未被育种应用,它对水稻高产育种具有重要的应用价值;其研究结果发表在Nature Plants上,并被澎湃网、央视网、新浪网等国内外40多家网站媒体转载报道。
1. 分析了我国北至山东,南至广东,西至四川,东至浙江等地域的38个克氏原螯虾群体的遗传多样性,其中鄱阳湖、南洞庭湖、洪泽湖的群体之间存在遗传分化,且多样性大;培育了6个子2代品系、4个杂交F1群体;鉴定了一个能特异区分鄱阳湖与其他地域群体的分子标记,为杂交优势种鉴定提供了分子标记(专利1,授权)。
2. 鉴定了克氏原螯虾抗病主效基因R,发掘了多基因(R、ALF与Crustin等)联合抗病优异单倍型并开发了多个分子标记,为选育抗病、高产的克氏原螯虾品系(种)提供了基因资源与分子标记(专利2,授权、专利3,申请)。
3. 开发了1546个多态性微卫星(SSR)标记(已报道仅20余个);构建了克氏原螯虾全同胞家系和关联群体;通过关联分析,鉴定了若干同时控制体重、体长、蜕壳数及生长速率的数量性状位点(QTL)并开发了相关分子标记,为选育生长快、个体大的克氏原螯虾品系(种)提供了基因资源与分子标记(专利4,申请)。
4. 检测了湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏与河南等26个稻虾种养区域的水、土与虾中的重金属与营养元素,发现水体与虾腹肌肉中的重金属含量很低;克氏原螯虾能特异富集硒元素,对消费者抗衰老与癌症预防具有一定的意义。
1. 湖北省重点研发计划,克氏原螯虾优良品系(种)培育及其关键技术研究,2021/10-2023/12,在研,主持;
2. 国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓科技创新专项,渔农综合种养环境与产品质量安全保障技术示范,2020/10-2022/12,在研,子课题主持;
3. 公司自主科技创新基金,克氏原鳌虾白斑综合征抗病选育关键技术研究,2020/05-2022/04,在研,参与;
4. 潜江市小龙虾优势品系苗种繁育关键技术项目,2019/03-2021/03,结题,参与;
5. 公司高层次引进人才科研启动经费项目, 2018/08-2023/07,在研,主持;
6. 公司自主科技创新基金“双水双绿研究”专项,小龙虾生长与含肉率性状遗传基础解析与品系选育,2018/01-2020/12,结题,主持;
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,水稻粒长基因GL3.3功能解析(31771354),2018/01-2021/12,结题,主持;
8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,水稻粒形与穗着粒密度基因GDS7的克隆与功能分析(31300991),2014/01-2016/12,结题,主持;
9. 农业部国家重大科技专项,水稻粒形新基因的克隆与功能验证(2014ZX0800936B),2014/01-2016/12,结题,子任务负责人;
10. 长江大学主要粮食作物产业化湖北省粮食作物协同创新中心开放课题重点项目,遗传剖析FZP调控水稻穗发育的基因网络途径(2015ZD003),2015/01-2016/12,结题,主持。
1. Ren Xin, Peng Guohui, Peng Bo, Tan Yunfei, Bai Xufeng* (2022) Robust strategy for disease resistance and increasing production breeding in red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Fish Shellfish Immunology, 122: 57-66
2. Ren Xin, Peng Guohui, Zhang Haoyue, Peng Bo, Bai Xufeng* (2022) Sex differences in the disease resistance of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). Aquaculture, 548: 737712.
1. Tan Yunfei#, Peng Bo#, Wu Yinglin*, Xiong Lijing, Sun Junxiao, Peng Guohui, Bai Xufeng* (2021) Human health risk assessment of toxic heavy metal and metalloid intake via consumption of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) from rice-crayfish co-culture fields in China, Food Control, 128:108181. (#Co-first author)
2. Peng Guohui#, Sun Junxiao#, Xiong Lijing, Peng Bo, Tan Yunfei, Wu Yinglin, Bai Xufeng* (2021) Assessment of essential element accumulation in red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and the highly efficient selenium enrichment in freshwater animals. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 101:103953.
3. Sun Junxiao#, Peng Guohui#, Xiong Lijing, Tan Cong, Li Yanhe*, Bai Xufeng* (2021) Genome-wide SSR marker development and application in genetic diversity analysis of the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) in China. Crustaceana, 94(2): 189-205.
4. Xiong Lijing, Tan Yunfei, Peng Bo, Peng Guohui, Bai Xufeng* (2021) Assessment of elements in exoskeleton of red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852), indicating a distinct accumulation regulations for nutrition and toxic elements. Crustaceana, 94 (10): 1221-1234.
5. 彭波, 谭云飞, 蓬国辉, 熊礼静, 白旭峰*(2021)克氏原螯虾体征性状与肌肉质量的相关及通径分析. 水产科学, 40(5): 718-725.
1. Huang Yong, Bai Xufeng, Chen Niannian, Xiao Jinghua, Li Xianghua, Xing Yongzhong* (2020) Wide Grain 7 increases grain width by enhancing H3K4me3 enrichment in the OsMADS1 promoter in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Journal, 102: 517-528.
2. Li Quiping, Lu Li, Liu Haiyang, Bai Xufeng, Zhou Xin, Wu Bi, Yuan Mengqi, Yang Lin, Xing Yongzhong* (2020) A minor QTL, SG3, encoding an R2R3-MYB protein, negatively controls grain length in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133: 2387-2399.
3. Huang Yong, Han Zhongmin, Cheng Niannian, Luo Meifang, Bai Xufeng, Xing Yongzhong* (2020) Minor effects of 11 Dof family genes contribute to the missing heritability of heading date in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1739.
4. 谭云飞, 蓬国辉, 熊礼静, 彭波, 吴毅博, 宋朝伟, 白旭峰* (2020) 长江中下游流域13个克氏原螯虾群体遗传多样性和遗传结构分析, 公司学报, 39(2): 33-39.
1. Huang Yong, Bai Xufeng, Luo Meifang, Xing Yonghzong* (2019) Short Panicle 3 controls panicle architecture by upregulating APO2/RFL and increasing cytokinin content in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61:987-999.
2. Li Guangwei, Jin Jiye, Zhou Yan, Bai Xufeng, Mao Donghai, Tan Cong, Wang Gongwei, Ouyang Yidan* (2019) Genome-wide dissection of segregation distortion using multiple inter-subspecific crosses in rice. Science China-life Sciences, 62: 507-516.
3. Song Song, Wang Guanfeng, Hu Yong, Liu Haiyang, Bai Xufeng, Qin Rui, Xing Yongzhong* (2018) OsMFT1 increases spikelets per panicle and delays heading date in rice by suppressing Ehd1, FZP and SEPALLATA-like genes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69: 4283-4293.
4. Bai Xufeng, Huang Yong, Hu Yong, Liu Haiyang, Zhang Bo, Smaczniak Cezary, Hu Gang, Han Zhongmin, Xing Yongzhong* (2017) Duplication of an upstream silencer of FZP increases grain yield in rice. Nature Plants, 3: 885-893.
5. Zhou Xiangchun#, Bai Xufeng#, Xing Yongzhong* (2017) A rice genetic improvement boom by next generation sequencing. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 27: 109-126.
6. Zhan Wei, Zheng Kou, Zhao Hu, Bai Xufeng* (2017) Unveiling the genetic loci for a panicle developmental trait using genome-wide association study in rice. Iranian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 5: 41-47.
7. Bai Xufeng, Huang Yong, Mao Donghai, Wen Mi, Zhang Li, Xing Yongzhong* (2016) Regulatory role of FZP in the determination of panicle branching and spikelet formation in rice. Scientific Reports, 6: 19022.
8. Bai Xufeng, Zhao Hu, Huang Yong, Xie Weibo, Han Zhongmin, Zhang Bo, Guo Zilong, Yang Lin, Dong Haijiao, Xue Weiya, Li Guangwei, Hu Gang, Hu Yong, Xing Yongzhong* (2016) Genome-wide association analysis reveals different genetic control in panicle architecture between indica and japonica rice. Plant Genome, 9: 2.
9. Hu Yong, Huang Yong, Zhang Li, Zhao Hu, Liu Haiyang, Xing Yongzhong, Bai Xufeng* (2016) Genome-wide association analysis reveals flowering-related genes regulating rachis length in rice. Plant Breeding, 135: 677-682.
10. Magwa Risper Auma, Zhao Hu, Yao Wen, Xie Weibo, Yang Lin, Xing Yongzhong, Bai Xufeng* (2016) Genomewide association analysis for awn length linked to the seed shattering gene qSH1 in rice. Journal of Genetics, 95: 639-646.
11. Dong Haijiao, Zhao Hu, Xie Weibo, Han Zhongmin, Li Guangwei, Yao Wen, Bai Xufeng, Hu Yong, Guo Zilong, Lü Kai, Yang Lin, Xing Yongzhong* (2016) A Novel Tiller Angle Gene, TAC3, together with TAC1 and D2 Largely Determine the Natural Variation of Tiller Angle in Rice Cultivars. PLoS Genetics, 12: e1006412.
12. Zhou Ying, Zheng Hongyu, Wei Guochao, Zhou Hui, Han Yanni, Bai Xufeng, Xing Yongzhong, Han Yuepeng* (2016) Nucleotide diversity and molecular evolution of the ALK gene in cultivated rice and its wild relatives. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 34: 923-930.
13. Zhang Li, Mao Donghai, Xing Feng, Bai Xufeng, Zhao Hu, Yao Wen, Li Guangwei, Xie Weibo, Xing Yongzhong* (2015) Loss offunctionof OsMADS3 via the insertion of a novel retrotransposon leads to recessive male sterility in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Science, 238: 188-197.
14. Kovi Mallikarjuna Rao, Hu Yong, Bai Xufeng, Xing Yongzhong* (2015) QTL mapping for thermo-sensitive heading date in rice. Euphytica, 205: 51-62.
15. Kovi Mallikarjuna Rao*, Sablok Gaurav, Bai Xufeng, Wendell Micael, Rognli Odd-Arne, Yu Huihui, Xing Yongzhong (2013) Expression patterns of photoperiod and temperature regulated heading date genes in Oryza sativa. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 45: 36-41.
16. Bai Xufeng, Wu Bi, Xing Yongzhong* (2012) Yield-related QTLs and their applications in rice genetic improvement. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54: 300-311.
17. Bai Xufeng, Luo Lijun, Yan Wenhao, Kovi Mallikarjuna Rao, Xing Yongzhong* (2011) Quantitative trait loci for rice yield-related traits using recombinant inbred lines derived from two diverse cultivars, Journal of Genetics, 90: 209-215.
18. Kovi Mallikarjuna Rao, Bai Xufeng, Mao Donghai, Xing Yongzhong* (2011) Impact of seasonal changes on spikelets per panicle, panicle length and plant height in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Euphytica, 179: 319-331.
19. Li Wei, Xu Lei, Bai Xufeng, Xing Yongzhong* (2011) Quantitative trait loci for seed dormancy in rice, Euphytica, 178: 427-435.
20. Bai Xufeng, Luo Lijun, Yan Wenhao, Kovi Mallikarjuna Rao, Zhan Wei, Xing Yongzhong* (2010) Genetic dissection of rice grain shape using a recombinant inbred line population derived from two very contrasting parents and fine mapping a pleiotropic quantitative trait locus qGL7, BMC Genetics, 11: 16.
1. 发明专利. 白旭峰, 蓬国辉. 一种区分克氏原螯虾特定地理群体的SSR分子标记及其应用, ZL202011234812.4.
2. 发明专利. 白旭峰, 任鑫, 蓬国辉, 谭云飞, 彭波. 一种提高克氏原螯虾抗病能力的SNP分子标记及应用, ZL202110792139.4.
3. 发明专利. 白旭峰, 任鑫, 李庆, 蓬国辉, 彭波. 克氏原螯虾中一个抗病基因及其抗病优异单倍型标记的应用, 202111298317.4.
4. 发明专利. 白旭峰, 孙俊霄, 罗翠荣. 克氏原螯虾生长性状相关的SSR分子标记引物及其在辅助选择中的应用, 202111680733.0.
5. 发明专利. 白旭峰, 彭波. 一种提高实验室养殖克氏原螯虾成活率的方法, 202010568723.7.
6. 发明专利. 白旭峰, 任鑫. 一种提取克氏原螯虾血淋巴总RNA的方法, 202011365689.X.
7. 发明专利. 邢永忠,白旭峰,黄勇. 稻穗发育基因的沉默子CNV-18bp及在水稻产量改良中的应用, ZL201710483025.5.
1. 编写了《“双水双绿”产业发展的理论与实践》书籍(张启发院士主编)中的“3.2世界小龙虾的分布与产业兴起和发展”与“5.2小龙虾种质资源品种及良种繁育”,并负责了第3章的编辑与校对。
2. 曾担任Plant Biotechnology Journal、Food Control、BMC Plant Biology、PLoS ONE、Scientific Reports、Gene、Molecular breeding, Journal of Plant Growth Regulation、Euphytica、水生生物学报、作物学报等国内外刊物审稿人;
3. 实验室地址:第二综合楼A525/527(作物遗传改良国家重点实验室,双水双绿研究院)。